Meet our new Social Media Intern, Amanda Bacon!


Pink Tank is pleased to welcome Amanda Bacon to the team! Read on to learn more about our new Social Media Intern!

Say my name: Amanda Nicole Bacon

Major in school: Marketing Management at Langara School of Management

Dream job when you graduate: Social Media Marketing Coordinator

Three words that describe yourself: Adventurous, creative, quirky.

We love that you started your own business! Tell us a bit about it and the inspiration behind it: She Must Be Somewhere is my online shop, featuring on-trend, high-quality costume jewelry and accessories. Through travelling and finding interesting up and coming designers on Instagram, I was inspired to bring something different to the Canadian retail market. She Must Be Somewhere offers unique and fresh designs that you won’t find every girl wearing when you go out. In addition to my online shop, I occasionally participate in pop up shops and markets. I am currently in the process of redesigning the website and restructuring the business model to focus on local Canadian Designers, made for women, by women, and incorporating a charity to support women.

Who inspires you: I would have to say Lena Dunham. I’m obsessed with her show “Girls,” have read her book “Not That Kind of Girl,” and just signed up for her online newsletter called “Lenny,” another joint venture between her and Jenni Konner (executive producer and writer on Girls). The fact that she’s achieved so much under the age of 30, and a true advocate of feminism on so many levels, whether it be through her brilliant writing on Girls, showing the real life struggles we face as young women (with a comedic twist of course), or her confidence encouraging women to have a positive and healthy body image regardless of shape or size.

Name a goal of yours: My biggest goal is to continue to grow my business, and continue to explore new ventures- what those are yet, I’m not quite sure as I have too many ideas. I guess I’ll just need to have multiple businesses and build an empire!

A must have app: Instagram of course, but Spotify is my new favorite. I love being able to have access to so much music, and its great for discovering new artists!

Favourite quote: I have too many favourites. Whenever I find a quote that inspires me I copy and paste it into my notepad or screenshot it- I probably have hundreds by now. But here is one I’ve found recently and absolutely love. “She never looked nice. She looked like art. And art wasn’t supposed to look nice; it was supposed to make you feel something.” – Rainbow Rowell, Eleanor & Park

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